Restonva Carpet Cleaning

Cleaning is usually seen as something fluid and adaptable and if you were to ask 10 different people their opinions on how to care for your carpet you would probably get 10 different points of view. Some opinions are borne out of tradition and others are simply misconceptions that have a way of sticking in someone's mind. It is important to separate fact from fiction in order to understand what is best for your carpet for both aesthetic and health reasons.

Restonva Rug Cleaning

One of the biggest mistakes is thinking that carpets do not need a professional cleaning on a regular basis. While your carpet may not need to be professionally cleaned often, most carpet professionals agree that a commercial cleaning is a good idea on a yearly basis. If you have children or pets your carpets may require cleaning every six months. Professional cleaning is simply a more thorough job and it works to remove dirt, grime and even to stop mold growth. These are items you simply cannot accomplish through conventional cleaning methods.

A second mistake people make is the belief that professional services require abrasive chemicals that can harm your carpet fibers or even result in allergic reactions. Many carpet cleaning companies now offer a wide selection of organic and other green alternatives which use Eco-friendly components such as vinegar and baking soda among others in order to properly clean your carpet. If you have concerns about the chemicals being used in professional cleaning solutions, be sure to ask the company ahead of time what they'll be using. If you have family members with allergies or who are otherwise sensitive to chemicals, inquire about more organic alternatives.

The third big mistake when it comes to carpet cleaning is the belief that the price should be the ultimate determining factor. While price is important, it's important to remember that you often get what you pay for when it comes to services such as this. Cleaning carpets is not a cheap business and the cost of equipment, cleaning supplies and the expertise of the professionals should be factored in to the price. A low estimate may only include flat carpets and so if your stairs are carpeted and also require cleaning be sure to ask if there is an additional fee for this. If you have several rooms in need of cleaning you may be able to snag a discount so don't be afraid to ask.

This desire to cut corners and save a few dollars can also result in a homeowner thinking they can just clean their own carpets with a rented machine. While many people use this method it is important to remember that the machinery you rent has been rented to many other people who may or may not have used and cleaned it properly. This can result in a machine that has clogs or still contains residue from the last time it was used. As a result its effectiveness is compromised and you may not be able to remove all the dirt and water from your carpets during the cleaning process. If this happens it can make your carpets more vulnerable to resoiling and even mold growth.

By hiring a local and reputable carpet cleaning company you can easily avoid all of these common mistakes. The people who clean carpets for a living have well maintained equipment, a variety of cleaning solutions and the expertise to do the job right the first time. While it is more costly than doing it yourself, it also ensures that your carpet is well cared for which results in prolonging the life of your carpet as well as keeping it free from allergens which can help your family's overall health.

Restonva Carpet Cleaning